About a year ago, Jonny Greenwood, eyes a-glitter, wrote down his only resolution for 2011. “Write a score for everything that exists.” Now that we’re in December, the yellowed piece of paper with that single sentence written on it lies in a corner of Greenwood’s lavish study, crumbled and burnt at the edges. “Hey, how’s the resolution going, Jonnny?” asked Mr. Greenwood’s loved ones. “Oh, it’s going great! Making a lot of progress, making a lot of progress,” Jonathan was known to respond. BUT HE DIDN’T MAKE NEARLY THE PROGRESS THAT HE CLAIMED THAT HE MADE. Turns out Greenwood’s first two subjects for scores were Scientology, the religion, and P.T. Anderson, the director. Suffice it to say, it didn’t work out.
Not to be totally defeated, Greenwood has combined his ambitious plans in the fields of person-scoring and religion-scoring into one easier goal. The high priests of the Consequence of Sound religion report that Greenwood is scoring P.T. Anderson’s new film The Master, which may or may not be at least partially inspired by Scientology. Oliver Weindling of British label Babel recently put out a tweet mentioning that the Radiohead guitar-playing guy recorded a track for the soundtrack with jazz outfit Zed-U recently.
If we’re to trust IMDB (and why wouldn’t we?), The Master is about a charismatic cult leader whose religion starts to catch on, along with a drifter who becomes the leader’s right-hand man. It’s also a movie with Philip Seymour Hoffman, Joaquin Phoenix, and Amy Adams set in the 1950s and set to be released in 2013. This isn’t the first time Anderson and Greenwood have teamed up, as Greenwood did the score for There Will Be Blood, nor is it the second time Greenwood has done a film score, since he also wrote scores for Norwegian Wood and We Need to Talk About Kevin.
• Radiohead: http://radiohead.com