Julian Koster is a delight. There, I said it. On this site of all sites, that statement is very controversial, I know, but I’m brave and strong and I really do think that pretty much everything I know about Julian Koster is delightful. I mean, what’s not to like? His 2012 album Mary’s Voice? A real charmer. His sleep-overs and lullabies and Christmas caroling? Literally, all I had to do was think of those things, and I just melted into a puddle of happiness because I just feel so damn positive. Thanks be to my roommate who came and mopped me up so I could keep on typing about Koster’s newest project with his theatrical troupe, The Orbiting Human Circus, because it’s pretty much a beam of concentrated glee.
On October 2-4, the troupe will host three free performances of Night Janitor, Carousel. It’ll take place on board the Pier 62 Carousel in New York City’s Hudson River Park, and it will feature an assortment of brand new Music Tapes tracks built around an “immersive theatrical experience” following Koster’s character of The Janitor on a journey “through surreal flights of fancy and hallucinatory daydreams in which even the audience may just be a figment of his imagination.” Each performance will last 30 minutes and begin promptly at the stated start time (7:45 PM on October 2, and 8:15 PM on October 3 and 4). The whole series is a part of the En Garde Arts BOSSS theater festival. I believe that it is fundamentally impossible for me to think of anything better.
• The Orbiting Human Circus: http://www.orbitinghumancircus.com
• The Music Tapes: http://on.fb.me/1iHKHtO
More about: Julian Koster, Neutral Milk Hotel, The Music Tapes