Drake: hey
Drake: holy shit, guess who I saw again on saturday
Drake: hey. u there?
Mr P: Hi.
Drake: how are u?
Mr P: I’m ok. You?
Drake: long time no talk
Mr P: Haha, it hasn’t even been that long!
Drake: I just wanted to hear your sexy voice…
Mr P: ?
Drake: I keep thinking about your strong hands around my body…
Mr P: wtf are you talking about?
Drake: it excites me so much…
Mr P: ?????
Drake: LOL!!!! haven’t you seen The Room?
Drake: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vYieIycu8Gs
Mr P: :\
Drake: LOL!!
Mr P: What’s up?
Drake: just wanted to chat
Mr P: I’m very busy. What’s going on?
Drake: JESUS.
Drake: never mind then..
Drake: ill talk to you later
Drake: last time you wanted to chat, i was busy but didn’t rush you like this!! in fact, last time we talked, i delayed a performance for a fucking HOUR just to talk to YOU!!!
Mr P: RELAX DRAKE. It’s a Room joke: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yjrRVlgVYvM
Drake: LOL!! shit…
Drake: sorry.. im in the 6, sort of out of my MIND these days.
Drake: you see the stuff about Kanye?
Mr P: What stuff? More Throne2 stuff?
Drake: no… about his joint album with Chance
Mr P: yeah, I heard about it. something new?
Drake: Kanye revealed its title today at some event: https://twitter.com/chancetherapper/status/1041856864173142016
Mr P: SWEET!!!! What’s it called?
Drake: “Good Ass Job”
Mr P: Haha, nice Pablo reference! Damn, I’m excited for this.
Drake: really?
Mr P: Yeah, are you?
Drake: lol no
Drake: FUCK no.
Mr P: Ok…
Drake: i have better things to do with my time.. truss mi daddy.
Mr P: I’m sure you do.
Mr P: So… that all you wanted to talk about?
Drake: he’s also teasing what might be a sequel to Yeezus…
Mr P: Lie.
Drake: seriously… “YANDHI”
Drake: https://www.instagram.com/p/Bn16hi7hPVl/?hl=en&taken-by=kanyewest
Drake: https://www.instagram.com/p/Bn15m9ShPOW/?hl=en&taken-by=kanyewest
Drake: wanna hear a new track i’m making?
Mr P: Whoa, he’s playing SNL on 9/29 too? FUCK, this’ll be cool. If “Yandhi” is an actual release, I bet he’ll release it that night like he did with TLOP.
Drake: ur kidding right/
Mr P: About what?
Drake: smh
Drake: this’ll flop. this whole thing is so stupid.
Drake: anyway.. wanna hear a new track i’m making?
Mr P: Is there official confirmation about the album?
Drake: no
Drake: i wrote this new song. can i run it by you?
Mr P: Apparently, an engineer for GOOD Music posted the same jewel case pic and said this on his (private) Instagram: “Sometimes you ask and receive. This was some hard shit to keep under wraps tho…” “G.O.O.D. Train keeps rolling.”
Drake: i don’t care
Mr P: Haha, people on the boards joked about it being an audiobook thing
Drake: zzzzzz
Mr P: OH MY GOD. Kanye just tweeted the same jewel case pic from earlier BUT ADDED “YANDHI 9 29 18.” Is that confirmation?
Drake: if you wanna hear that song, lmk. i can email it?
Mr P: https://twitter.com/kanyewest/status/1041895861716832256
Mr P: This might be the most confirmation we’ll get leading up to 9/29.
Mr P: Huh, other sites are reporting it like it’s been confirmed with that pic…
Drake: i gotta go…
Mr P: https://twitter.com/kanyewest/status/1041741691152064512
Mr P: Damn, I love this song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KE2o5AZclaQ
Mr P: This too: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vuUxY8Y7uXY
Mr P: Shit, remember we used to play this in the car? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jmvpLHdDbOw
Mr P: Haha:
Mr P: jesus walks
Mr P: Hello?
Mr P: Drake?
Mr P: Hey, sorry… I wasn’t reading all your messages. I was so excited…
Drake: no worries
Drake: …
Mr P: We good?
Drake: all good… wanna hear my new song?
Mr P: Can I show you one more thing first?
Mr P: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Lg5hvUPXzo
Mr P: Haha
Drake: nice
Drake: sent
Mr P: Which email?
Mr P: Never mind — I’m listening.
Drake: cool cool - let me know what u think!!
Drake: lyrics are obvious. maybe too obvious LOL but i go HARD. mostly about repping fam, not trusting all these fake friends. thinking to get the weeknd and maybe trippie on it. not sure though cuz it sounds sorta perfect in a way. like pure drake fire.! i’m dying ot know what people think of it
Drake: the hook: “the way it go/ i just don’t know/ all i know is nobody can catch my flow/ you fake, i break, let’s not pretend/ you stay, i’ll stay let’s make heaven”
Drake: lmk if you want the full lyric sheet!
Mr P: Cool, thanks for sending the song.
Drake: lmk your thoughts?
Mr P: https://goo.gl/YaJ7cx
Drake: did you finish? what’d you think of it then?
Drake: think trippie would be good on it?
Mr P: It’s pretty good…. Click that link I just sent.
Mr P: I always wished Kanye released that one! Maybe it’ll be on YANDHI :)
Mr P: One of my favorite Kanye jams: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-LHdiKzAs6k
More about: Chance the Rapper, Kanye West