If there’s place on planet Earth where nothing’s shocking and anything goes, it’s gotta be that grand old hub of artsy mimes, decent absinthe, and delicious “Le Big Macs” known as Western Europe. Nevertheless, our old buddy Cornelius “Kanye” West — whom last we left caterwauling around the US on his seemingly neverending crusade to prove to the world that Yeezus (TMT Review) is the Lord and Savior everyone needs, even if no one asked for Him — will be packing up his tour and shipping the whole garish thing over there piece by piece this summer in hopes of spreading the Good News and possibly shocking a few L7 monarchs.
Rev. West will dock his proverbial slowboat in Montpellier, France on June 21 before trekking on through Frankfurt, Cologne, Brussels, Copenhagen, Oslo, Berlin, and Amsterdam before “kicking it old-school” in London and Birmingham for his Fourth of July weekend. Tickets are on sale as of March 26 if you happen to live over there or just really wanna taste the McDonald’s in Montpellier.
Yeezus’ Euro-Trip:
06.21.14 - Montpellier, France - Park & Suites Arena
06.23.14 - Frankfurt, Germany - Festhalle
06.24.14 - Cologne, Germany - Lanxess Arena
06.25.14 - Brussels, Belgium - Palace 12
06.27.14 - Copenhagen, Denmark - Forum
06.29.14 - Oslo, Norway - Oslo Spektrum
07.01.14 - Berlin, Germany - O2 World
07.02.14 - Amsterdam, Netherlands - Ziggo Dome
07.04-06.14 - London and Birmingham, UK - Wireless Festival
• Kanye West: http://www.kanyewest.com
• Def Jam: http://www.defjam.com
More about: Kanye West