Kendrick Lamar: DAMN.
Kendrick Lamar: Friday.
Kendrick Lamar: U2. Rihanna.
Kendrick Lamar: Can u post?
Mr P: hi to you too. what are you talking about?
Kendrick Lamar: The new album is titled DAMN.
Kendrick Lamar: It’s coming out on Friday, features U2 and Rihanna.
Kendrick Lamar: P4k already posted actually: http://pitchfork.com/news/72459-kendrick-lamar-enlists-rihanna-and-u2-fo…
Kendrick Lamar: Tracklist:
LOYALTY. feat. Rihanna
XXX. feat. U2
Mr P: slow down buckaroo
Kendrick Lamar: It’ll be live at midnight on Thursday.
Kendrick Lamar: Love your site! You should post.
Kendrick Lamar: Oh, thanks for the first story btw. Can’t believe you posted our chat!
Mr P: hm, maybe we’ll post when it’s actually released. i hate this kinda piece-by-piece marketing bullshit tbh.
Kendrick Lamar: I can send you the album cover? Pretty up the story a bit? It could be an exclusive thing.
Mr P: Oh, yeah? For real?
Kendrick Lamar: Yeah, for sure. It’s a cool cover!!
Mr P: I would LOVE to see it.
Kendrick Lamar: Sent. Check your email.
Mr P: what the fuck is this?? haha, is this that Screeching Weasel guy?
Kendrick Lamar: Oops, sorry. Wrong pic. LOL
Kendrick Lamar: Sent.
Kendrick Lamar: Do you like it? I love it. Believe it or not, it took forever to get that pose right.
Kendrick Lamar: What do you think?
Kendrick Lamar: Hello???
Mr P: is this good to post? label’s cool with us having the exclusive?
Kendrick Lamar: Could you post now?
Kendrick Lamar: Yeah, label is cool with it!
Kendrick Lamar: Let me know what else you need. That album cover is 100% exclusive to you guys.
Kendrick Lamar: What do you think of it?
Mr P: man, I appreciate the exclusive. thank you!
Kendrick Lamar: No problem. Love your site. Post it soon please!!
Mr P: on it
Kendrick Lamar: brb
Kendrick Lamar: back
Kendrick Lamar: Did you post?
Mr P: not yet
Mr P: hey, i was looking around at other sites and they all had the album cover already. you also posted on your twitter. wasn’t this an exclusive?
Kendrick Lamar: Oh, must’ve been a mixup at the label. LOL You still OK with posting? You said you were going to, right?
Kendrick Lamar: Does the album cover matter that much?
Kendrick Lamar: Post that Screeching Weasel pic LOL
Kendrick Lamar: ;)
Kendrick Lamar: Hey, this time, please don’t put our chat in the story. I sound desperate, haha, even though I know you’re into my music. Love your site SERIOUSLY.
Mr P: talk to you later
Kendrick Lamar: xoxo
More about: Kendrick Lamar, Rihanna, U2