Prefuse 73 (a.k.a. Guillermo Scott Herren) needs to get in touch with his feminine side. Too long has he focused on the cold, robo-masculine world of breakneck beats and outer space synths. In order to further understand his feminine side, Mr. Herren is putting out a record created “from start to finish with only female voice + a strange fascination/obsession in ‘contact microphones’.”
These aforementioned female voices aren’t provided by a bunch of nobodies, though. No, this new untitled, release date-bereft follow-up to last year’s largely disappointing Everything She Touched Turned Ampexian (TMT Review) boasts an impressive guest list: Dirty Projectors’ Angel Deradoorian, Broadcast’s Trish Keenan, Zola Jesus’ Nika Roza Danilova, My Brightest Diamond’s Shara Woden, VOICEsVOICEs’ Nico Turner, Flying Lotus collaborator Niki Randa, Faidherbe, and Adron. Along with the impressive roster of female vocalists, the new record also features Tyondai Braxton, who Herren thanks for his “SEQUENCING+ELIMINATING SKILLS.”
• Prefuse 73: http://www.prefuse73.com
• Warp: http://warp.net