Devin Super Tramp has become quite the household name for extreme sports fans and enthusiasts of YouTube stars. Maybe that’s you, maybe that’s not. But with over 200 videos, 4 million subscribers, and 765 million views, there’s a chance that you’ve caught one of his videos anyway. This incredible reach has been largely dependent on new, cutting-edge technologies.
One of his latest videos is on the apparently emerging sport of extreme Pogo riding (also called Xpogo), featuring the likes of Dan Mahoney, Dalton Smith, and Nic Patino. But rather than filming it at 16:9, Devin and his Super Tramp team shot it at the expansive 21:9 aspect ratio. “When we go out on location, we’re basically getting all the paints possible,” says Devin. “Then we get into the editing room, and that’s when we start painting and basically exposing that canvas we want to share with the rest of the world. We need the biggest canvas possible to tell those stories.”
In order to achieve this, Devin and his team used LG’s 21:9 UltraWide monitors, a class of monitors partly intended for “designers, photographers, producers, and other creative professionals” who require big canvases to tell their stories. As Devin put it: “We’re editing on those monitors. We’re doing sound design on those monitors. We’re color correcting on those monitors. Everything we’re doing within the post-production, it all happens in the exact same place because we have to work so efficiently.”
“It just makes things so much easier and so much faster, because the technology is getting so much better.”
Check out the resulting Pogo freestyle video here, as well as a video he made with LG here: