“Awesome! Now, where the [Nickelus] F is my box set I dropped $900 on?” That was the response offered by Lil Ugly Mane listeners and Ormolycka collectors, after the artist and label surprised fans with a long-awaited collaboration between Lil Ugly Mane (as Shawn Kemp) and fellow Richmondite Nickelus F, on cassette no less. This tape came on the heels of Nickelus F’s August 28 Foundation Media debut Triflin’ and according to Nickelus F’s Twitter, sold out in one hour.
Posting via Bandcamp, Lil Ugly Mane had this to say:
Trick Dice is a dirty record. It feels mish-mashed, it feels live, it feels uncut or unedited or something. To me, listening to it conjures the imagery of what i love about Hip Hop. It’s a cut and pasted scratched together, beat up composition book with a busted spine, filled to the brim with rhymes scribbled in wild handstyles and doodled bubble dollar signs. It’s raw saturated blown out soul and breaks chopped through dusty speakers. Scattered styles and schemes done for no other reason than to do it. Or better yet not done at all. The rap music that you make in your head instead of doing homework, where the whole movie about your ill career plays out in front of you. I’m sure this is only what i see, but it’s the only reason any of my shit exists.
The Trick Dice Bandcamp download reportedly contains six of seven songs previously leaked and unofficially compiled as That Mjölnir Shit, along with six other previously unreleased Nickelus F/Shawn Kemp tunes, a 64-page NSFW magazine called Clowns and Browns, and some other random projects by Lordmaster DJ SK The Subterranean Suspect, Dreamo & Stormy Guy, and Sensational Lonnie Wilsman, all of which are most likely different names for Travis Miller himself.
Meanwhile, those who pre-ordered Lil Ugly Mane’s Oblivion Access box set were alarmed to see that Ormolycka, the boutique record label curating this highly priced and elaborately packaged release, recently deleted its Facebook account, as did Lil Ugly Mane, leaving just three posts up and countless fans who were already wondering when they will receive the monstrous and supposedly final Lil Ugly Mane project, with no place to vent their frustration at having not yet gotten it, despite its being scheduled mid-2015 release date.
Still more are wondering if the Blood Moon Supermoon of September 27 and 28 foretells a coming apocalypse, so chill.
• Lil Ugly Mane: https://liluglymane.bandcamp.com
• Shawn Kemp: https://shawnkemp.bandcamp.com
• Niceklus F: https://twitter.com/NickelusF
• Ormolycka: http://www.ormolycka.com
More about: Lil ugly mane, Nickelus F, Shawn Kemp