Virginian rapper Lil Ugly Mane has released a new album under the name Bedwetter called volume 1: flick your tongue against your teeth and describe the present., and in conjunction has shared a post on his Facebook page describing his personal experiences seeking help for mental health issues that ostensibly served as inspiration for the new LP.
In the lengthy statement, which doubles as an evocative, intimate retelling of a recent voluntary hospital visit and a scathing rebuke (or “polemic yelp review”) of the American mental healthcare industry, Lil Ugly Mane details exactly what he finds so inept about the system:
Our current mental healthcare system is absolute shit. Absolute shit that absolutely incentivizes violence and self harm by categorizing it as the sole interpretation of “severity” worth treating. By making the idea of treatment feel so utterly hopeless to people who already exist and drown in their hopelessness.
Lil Ugly Mane notes that he wrote the statement the day before recording his latest record. “All i could do, all i can do is write poems and basically a polemic yelp review into the notepad on my phone,” he says. The whole post, which is well worth reading, can be viewed below.
volume 1: flick your tongue against your teeth and describe the present. is out now, and can be purchased through Lil Ugly Mane’s Bandcamp.
volume 1: flick your tongue against your teeth and describe the present. tracklisting:
01. john
02. man wearing a helmet
03. stoop lights
04. fondly eulogizing sleep
05. branch
06. square movement
07. haze of interference
08. this in not my stomach
09. cave yourself over
More about: Lil ugly mane