Our neighbors to the north cultivates wonderful people and comes up with wonderful ideas. In this mix of delightful Canadians and Canadian-ness are eco-friendly bagged milk, the Labatt's mascot, mounties, and all-star-rotating-member superbands. But let's not forget to add to the list Emily Haines and ipso facto Metric.
Live It Out, Metric's last album, was released way back in 2005. Since then, they've done some intermittent touring, with band members scattering off to their own side projects. But for those of you scratching your heads and wondering when you can get your hands on the next Metric album, your wait is a short one. Fantasies, the band's fourth full-length album, will be available in stores April 14, released by Last Gang Records in Canada and independently-released elsewhere. By pre-ordering here, you can enjoy several tracks now, including "Help I'm Alive," an acoustic version of "Gimme Sympathy," and a Pink Floyd cover of "Nobody Home." Meanwhile, the digital version of Fantasies will be available for download March 31.
Fantasies tracklist:
1. Help I'm Alive
2. Sick Muse
3. Satellite Mind
4. Twilight Galaxy
5. Gold Guns Girls
6. Gimme Sympathy
7. Collect Call
8. Front Row
9. Blindness
10. Stadium Love