Ask and you shall receive. OK, so no one specifically asked for this one, at least not to my knowledge, but who isn’t glad to receive this new release by Lolina*? It’s called Live in Geneva, and it’s out now as a one-track, 48-minute stream. According to the Bandcamp page, the performance is from last year, September 26, at cave12 in Geneva, marking a clear time and place that plays in contrast to the mysterious-ish origins of 2016’s Live in Paris. The new release follows last year’s excellent The Smoke, which was #3 on our Favorite Music Releases of 2018.
Stream Live in Geneva below. And hey, since we’re here, I’d like to specifically ask for a new studio album. Thanks Lolina!
* “Lolina is formerly known as Inga Copeland, who was part of Hype Williams,” according to every music publication ever.
More about: Inga Copeland, Lolina