It’s not everyday Berlin-based producer J’Kerian Morgan a.k.a. Lotic returns to his ol’ stomping grounds in that little, forgotten, out-of-the-way place called the U.S. of A. (can you blame him? have you seen this place lately?). But I’ve always said you can’t resist the siren song of amber waves of grain and purple mountain majesties for long; and, well, add it to my already long list of stunning accomplishments — because once again I’ve been proven right! That’s right: Lotic is headed back to this side of the globe for a short string of dates this month, alongside a show or three in Canada, Mexico, and Russia. I’ll never forsake you again, geography!
The new dates include slots in one of those prestigious MoMA PS1 Warm Up shows, an Unsound event in Kazan, Russia, the MUTEK festival in Montréal, Canada, and a GHE20G0TH1K-affiliated…thing…in Los Angeles. If you don’t believe me (and why should you?), Lotic’s luckily made a habit of announcing his new shows via Facebook in typically no-nonsense, enigmatic, light-on-the-details fashion (you can see his announcement post embedded down below in all its minimalist glory). Also, listen to Lotic’s most recent release, “Freefall” — because this is a music site, after all — and remember: seeing is believing!
Lotic tour dates (in case you have that rare disorder that makes Facebook posts physically unreadable):
08.12.17 - New York, NY - MoMA PS1 Warm Up
08.12.17 - New York, NY - Secret Project Robot
08.18.17 - Mexico City, Mexico - MUTEK
08.19.17 - Los Angeles, CA - GHE20G0TH1K
08.26.17 - Montréal, Canada - MUTEK
09.09.17 - Kazan, Russia - Unsound
More about: Lotic