In what many are calling “the biggest dick move since Metal Machine Music,” Lou Reed and wife/partner Laurie Anderson will bring a concert for dogs to the otherwise famously dog-free Sydney Opera House. Part of Vivid Live, a festival Reed and Anderson are curating this year, the concert will consist of extremely high frequencies that dogs have been proven to enjoy, or at least notice. According to Anderson, “You can just about hear [the music] sometimes.”
Music For Dogs was allegedly inspired by the couple’s rat terrier, who “…likes things with a lot of smoothness but with beats in them. Things with voices and lots of complicated high-end stuff. Chk-chk-chk-chk-chk…that kind of stuff.” In short, their dog likes Daft Punk. Well, fuck you, dog. I liked Daft Punk first, and I can understand the lyrics. Daft Punk’s lyrics don’t matter? Fine. I can see color. Suck on that, dog.
The June 5 concert will be presented at the northern boardwalk of the Opera House. Dogs are literally welcome to attend. They are even encouraged by Anderson to start “a little mosh pit if they feel like it,” an idea that seemed a lot less cute when Michael Vick encouraged it. The dog music/human intermission will last 20 minutes, which is stupid, because dogs have no capacity for measuring time.
Just kidding, I think this whole thing is great!
• Lou Reed: http://www.loureed.com
• Laurie Anderson: http://www.laurieanderson.com
• Vivid Live: http://vividlive.sydneyoperahouse.com
[Photo: wallyg]