Last September, I wrote some typical bullshit about DOOM and Brooklyn MC Masta Ace getting together on a new LP that would come out under the name MA DOOM, with DOOM dropping all the beats and Ace spitting all the verses. Unfortunately, there were no hard details to turn into whacky, class-A, TMT jokes (or even bro-dog Pitchfork jokes) at the time, so I ended the piece by suggesting that some sucker find out the rest of the details whenever possible, write up a hilarious story about it, and slap my name at the top so that I’d get credit for it. Well, it turns out that I’m an idiot, because eight months later… I am that sucker. It’s like M. Night Shyamalan is writing my life as a terrible screenplay somewhere!
Anyway, according to one of my favorites FACT Magazine, the MA DOOM album is finally coming out after months of annoying delays and reverbs. It’s called MA DOOM: Son of Yvonne and is set for release on July 17 on Fat Beats Records (I know that sounds fake, but it’s not). The duo unveiled the first sample of said album a few weeks ago on Soundcloud, a decidedly feminist cut about, you know, women using their sexy tits to seduce, drug, and burgle you. So, you know, I guess we can look forward to more of that. Check out the track below, and keep your beguiling breasts and buttocks the fuck away from me.
• Masta Ace: http://mastaace.com
• DOOM: http://www.metalfacedoom.com
• Fat Beats: http://www.fatbeats.com
More about: DOOM