Gather around and listen attentively, my children. Recall (if you have the capacity to) a certain wonderfully majestic new age compilation series that was promoted seemingly ad infinitum on cable television during the mid-to-late 90s. Now, if that description isn’t enough to give it away and make you feel all warm and nostalgic inside, try and associate the following lyrics with the specific commercial that I have in mind: “Sail away, sail away, sail away, sail away” (repeat x 47). Yes? No? I’m talking about that magnificent soundtrack to meditative activity, otherwise known as Pure Moods. Despite being discontinued since 2004 and hardly anyone missing it, the series is being resuscitated this year in the form of Dream Continuum!
Or so you might think. “Dream Continuum” certainly doesn’t sound like the name of a brand new Planet Mu collaboration between two artists who casually navigate the gray area between electronic sub-genres, but that’s exactly what it is: Machinedrum, who increased his fanbase last year with the release of the critically-acclaimed, loosely-labelled “footwork” album Room(s), is joining forces with a relatively new figure on the scene, Om Unit a.k.a. Jim Coles, to form Dream Continuum. And on March 26, they’ll be releasing their first EP, Reworkz, which you can preview here. As it turns out, their alias seems oddly consistent with the echoing jungle samples and unyielding rhythms on display throughout their work. I’m slightly taken aback by the lack of Enya though.
Reworkz EP tracklisting:
A1. B Free
A2. Giv a Lil Luv
B. Set It
• Dream Continuum: http://www.planet.mu/artists/dreamcontinuum
• Machinedrum: http://machinedrum.net
• Om Unit: http://www.omunit.com
• Planet Mu: http://www.planet.mu