“Sexual… Conceptual…”
Those are the first words you’ll hear when streaming the newest single from Marie Davidson, and what else would you expect? The French Canadian dance producer has always had an excellent, technocratic grasp on the… well, the sexual and the conceptual!
After 2016’s brilliant Adieux Au Dancefloor and this year’s already-groundswelling record as ½ of Essaie Pais, Davidson has signed to Ninja Tune for her newest effort: an “egotistical” solo record titled Working Class Woman. I know the world of intellectuals can be a bit of a “dry” space, but that’s never true inside the coldwave body-poetry music of Marie Davidson, which pulls out sweat and potent sensualities from even the wallflowers among us.
For those who pre-order this record, one that Ninja Tune swears “is sure to be heralded as of one the most self-reflective recordings yet from the Montreal-based producer,” an extra gift of an “exclusive signed print” will be delivered with your order. Plus, you’ll get an instant download of “So Right,” the so-clean yet so-dirty first single that you can also stream below.
So, what are you waiting for? You’ve been on the edge long enough now. Follow that primal tug… Do what it is you’ve wanted to do… Buy that record now!

Working Class Woman tracklisting:
01. Your Biggest Fan
02. Work It
03. The Psychologist
04. Lara
05. Day Dreaming
06. The Tunnel
07. Workaholic Paranoid Bitch
08. So Right
09. Burn Me
10. La chambre intérieure
More about: Marie Davidson