If the words ‘Cure,’ ‘funeral,’ or ‘sad’ provoke an almost Pavlovian response in you, well, you might want to hide your wallet before reading the following sentence about Captured Tracks recording artist Minks. Are you ready? This is from a Fader review of New York band Minks’ first 7-inch single, “Funeral Party.” The magazine says the 7-inch sounds “as if Robert Smith gave birth to a baby, and the baby was actually a cassette of Cure demos that had a lot more staying power than actual Cure demos.”
Drool drool bats drool… oh, right! Where was I? Anyway. Minks returned with the single “Ophelia,” which I’m told “balance(s) the feelings of joy and sadness.” I believe this means the group can make you sad, but not, say, ending-of-a-Lars-Von-Trier-movie-ohhhhh-my-Goooood-I-just-want-a-whiskey-or-a-kitten-or-ANYTHING-BUT-THIS sad. And now Minks have crafted their debut album, By the Hedge, set for a January 11 release on Captured Tracks. This makes me happy, an oh-thank-God-this-Lars-Von-Trier-movie-is-over-and-I’m-still-alive-in-spite-of-it-all happy.
By the Hedge tracklisting:
01. Kusmi
02. Out of Tune
03. Life at Dusk
04. Indian Ocean
05. Funeral Song
06. Our Ritual
07. Cemetary Rain
08. Bruises
09. Boys Run Wild
10. Ophelia
11. Juniper
12. Arboretum Dogs
• Minks: http://www.myspace.com/iamwitchcraft
• Captured Tracks: http://www.capturedtracks.com