Yeehaw! Daddies lock up your foolhardy sons and whatnot, cuz longtime indie-folk-cetera “artiste” Mirah is comin’ ‘round the mountain when she comes! Shoot, maybe she’ll be driving six white horses too, for all I know. All’s I know is she’ll be drivin’ whatever it is she’s drivin’ on the big ol’ North American tour she’s embarkin’ to endeavor on at the end of this very month. I know: women drivers! What’ll they think of next?!?
Turns out the whole Oregon Trail-esque escapade comes on the heels of her newest and fifth album, Changing Light, which I first saw up for sale over at yonder general store this past May. In fact, she seems to have made a whole, big-ol’ elaborate movin’ picture show jamboree out of one of the songs on the album. Don’t ask me how, but somehow all these pictures just sorta… shuck and jive and bob in time with the music! Darndest thing. The tune is called “No Direction Home,” and the “video” (as she’s a-callin’ it) was directed by Mirah’s partner (that’s what they call “husbands” out west) Todd Chandler, a fella that calls himself a “filmmaker,” whatever in tarnation that is!
Either way, folks, you can all by my guest and check out the whole cockamamie shenanigans down below! I had this scientist fella that I kinda know “embed” the thing, so’s if you click on it, it’ll up and start dancin’ for ya on command. Check ‘er out!
Mirah Mirah, on the tour:
09.26.14 - Portsmouth, NH - The Music Hall Loft
09.27.14 - Northampton, MA - Iron Horse Music Hall
09.28.14 - Burlington, VT - Signal Kitchen
09.29.14 - Montreal, QC - Casa Del Popolo
09.30.14 - Toronto, ON - The Garrison
10.01.14 - Detroit, MI - Trinosophes
10.02.14 - Grand Rapids, MI - Pyramid Scheme
10.04.14 - Chicago, IL - Empty Bottle
10.06.14 - St. Louis, MO - Off Broadway
10.07.14 - Oxford, MS - Proud Larry’s
10.08.14 - Nashville, TN - The Stone Fox
10.09.14 - Cincinnati, OH - MOTR Pub
10.10.14 - Pittsburgh, PA - Club Café
10.11.14 - New York, NY - Le Poisson Rouge
10.12.14 - Washington, DC - Black Cat Backstage
10.13.14 - Durham, NC - Pinhook
11.08.14 - Los Angeles, CA - The Echo
11.09.14 - San Francisco, CA - The Independent
11.11.14 - Eugene, OR - Cozmic Pizza
11.12.14 - Portland, OR - Doug Fir Lounge
11.13.14 - Olympia, WA - Northern
11.14.14 - Seattle, WA - St. Mark’s Cathedral
11.15.14 -Vancouver, BC - Media Club
• Mirah: http://www.mirahmusic.com
• K: http://shop.krecs.com
More about: Mirah