How’s this for poking an angry snake:
First, you have Mogwai, a Scottish band of gloomy post-rock fellas. Allow that potent mix of traditional Scottish gloom to simmer for 20 years, as the group continues to pump out ear-splitting and yet somehow beautiful records. Next, get Mogwai to release a career-spanning retrospective collection to get them all sentimental and emotional, just before founding member John Cummings quits the band, leaving them standing at four angrier, more sentimental, and slightly lonelier members.
Now, to really jab that angry snake, commission Mogwai to soundtrack a documentary about the most brutal and feared force known to modern man: nuclear war.
Ladies and gentlemen, we present to you Atomic, Mogwai’s latest and possibly most intense album, which will be released and ready to serve as the soundtrack to your own existential crisis on April 1 via the band’s own Rock Action Records.
The lead track “U-235” is below. I think I might have strangled a puppy while I was listening to it, but I’m not sure. It went pretty black for a moment there.
Atomic tracklist:
01. Ether
03. Bitterness Centrifuge
04. U-235
05. Pripyat
06. Weak Force
07. Little Boy
08. Are You A Dancer?
09. Tzar
10. Fat Man
More about: Mogwai