Moz: master of the pompadour and the sweet lamenting croon, but thankfully NOT of the “Hey let’s reunite even though we hate each other’s fucking guts, I’ll just do enough drugs with all this cash to not care” bandwagon that so many of our dearly non-departed '80s favorites have leaped upon, ripping their spandex in the process. Plenty of promoters sleazed around our boy in hopes of tempting him to get in on the action, but there will be no shows from The Smiths anytime soon. So sorry. You may go see The Cure if you wish. (I’m not so sure if I wish, but I am admittedly partial to Morrissey’s superior skills in hairstyling.)
HOWEVER! If you would like to gaze deeply into Mr. Moz’s limpid pools of angst and heartbreak without those pesky Smiths, please relocate to one of the cities listed below on the appropriate date. These venues have been specially chosen on account of their being “small and intimate,” according to a press release, “where Morrissey can see the eyes of everyone in the audience and those in attendance can be in the thick of it.” Whoa, looks like homeboy’s finally realizing the unfair amount of eyesex he’s been racking up all these years... I guess it’s time to give back.
Washed-Up Reunion Tours Give Moz a Thorn In His Side*:
*all dates with Kristeen Young
[Photo: Fabio Lovino]