UPDATE: Phil Elverum took to social media today to dampen the fervor that has followed the announcement of his first show in over two years.
Please don’t come. It was supposed to be a mellow “practice show,” unamplified and quiet, in a very small record store at 5pm. I just wanted to try out these new songs in my community. There won’t be enough room for the people who want to come and many people will almost certainly be turned away at the door. The Business holds 50 people max.
Read the full message here.
On Friday, January 6, Phil Elverum will play his first Mount Eerie show in over two years at a record store called The Business in Anacortes, WA. According to various show posters from his Tumblr, the set will consist of 11 new songs lasting roughly 45 minutes, performed on an unamplified acoustic guitar and “sung in an imperfect pitch.” The songs are from a forthcoming Mount Eerie album.
Phil Elverum provides the following warning on one of the posters: “These songs are about Genevieve getting diagnosed with bad cancer, dying, and then the feeling and events and realities of life afterward. If you are a person who says ‘passed away’ instead of ‘died’ you might be uncomfortable and unhappy.”
In another poster, Elverum writes, “I plan to just stand there and sing into the room, probably with closed eyes because I live in this town and having to look at friends, family, acquaintances while singing about the harsh realities of sickness, grief, and death sounds difficult.”
Read our tribute to Geneviève Castrée Elverum here, and make your way to The Business as early as you can on Friday. The free show starts at 5 PM, but space will be limited.

More about: Geneviève Castrée, Geneviève Castrée Elverum, Mount Eerie, Phil Elverum, The Microphones, WOELV