Ahh the romance and glamour of the life of the intern. Fetching donuts! Pretending to laugh at your uncle’s outdated Monica Lewinsky jokes! Collating! It’s enough to make any promising young college coed rush right out the hallowed halls of Financial Burden U and throw themselves at the feet of Finkelstein & Harmon Paper Products Inc. or Rod’s Long Haul Trucking and beg for the opportunity to order more coffee filters. So, imagine the unicorn-laden, comet-spangled holy grail of internships that working for Mouse on Mars must be!
“What?” You scoff. “That’s just a dream,” you say. “Mouse on Mars? Need an intern? Why before that happens Ann Romney’s dressage horse will lie down with a mere mule!” But you’re wrong, oh wrong indeed, boy-o. Because Mouse on Mars are, in fact, looking for Berlin-based interns to transfer the band’s extensive sound and video archives to HD. But before you book your ticket to Berlin, what do these two guys want you to do? (And, if you already live in Berlin, let’s just say, um… before you send Jan and Andi the most expensive cookie bouquet in the cookie bouquet catalog, what do these two guys want you to do?) Well, they’re preparing to release two decades-worth of Mouse on Mars jams in a fancy anniversary box set, and they need help finding stuff on all kinds of pre-MP3 formats like TAPES! And then they want you to help them transfer this stuff onto HD, modern technology! And they’ll pay you by the hour, in money and back rubs! (Just kidding about the back rubs, don’t sue me.) The lucky intern(s) will also get a shout-out on said box set. Imagine, your name enshrined in box set fame forever, like one of those sad little ants encased in amber. But in a happy, awesome way.
“How do I sign up?” You’re saying. Well, it’s simple. All you gotta do is shoot the guys a friendly, non-psychotic application via the Mouse on Mars Facebook page.
• Mouse on Mars: http://www.mouseonmars.com
More about: Mouse on Mars