I'm sorry, I don't know if I can write this story yet, because I'm still giggling like a moron. LOOK. Check out the first reader comment. Poof Daddy. Genius.
ANYWAY, political ads on MTV....
Here's an official statement from MTV Networks:
MTV Networks will accept political advertising that is national in scope, sponsored by a legally qualified candidate, a candidate's official campaign committee, a nationally recognized political party, or the official congressional campaign committee(s) of a nationally recognized party.
The change has been touted by various MTV execs as a great way for political candidates to reach youth voters, but since it will only be accepting ads from the two major political parties, I'll give you three guesses as to which presidential candidate will make better use of these new resources. Yes, even Democratic strategist Tad Devine agrees, saying, "I'm sure Obama's campaign will look seriously at advertising there, given his advantage with young people."
Let's do the math here. MTV Networks will only run political ads for the Democratic and Republican campaigns, and it's pretty much a given that Obama has the youth vote. However, the FCC states that political candidates must be given the opportunity to have equal airtime, which means McCain will probably have to come up with something for the Real World set. This is gonna be good. Republican Bikini Beach Party Jams! I see Mr P getting all hot and bothered already.