Dude! Dude, Travis, wake up, man. It's Dan!
Right, like, I knooooow we haven't really hung out in a while and stuff, but like...
No man, I know. It's cool. I'm sorry about your sister, but man, just listen!
Yeah, you'd better put away that taped-off-of-TV VHS of the Kurt Cobain segment on Unsolved Mysteries and call your boss down at the BP and tell him you won't be in for a while, cuz, dude, your favorite band Mudhoney is hitting the road again this spring and summer in support of... umm... well, in support of nothing really (except maybe their habits), but come on! MUUUUDHONEY, bro!
What do you mean, "You don't think so?!?!" What's the prob? Gas up the Ford Tempo, grab a few CDs for your dash-mounted Sony Discman, and let's hit it! Yeah! Waaaaayne's Wooooorld! Waaaaaayne's Woooooorld! Paaarty tiiii... hey, remember???
Still no, huh?