Mukqs, the moniker of Max Allison — who otherwise fills his time playing music with Good Willsmith or releasing trippy music on his label Hausu Mountain (or, formerly, writing about music) — has announced a new album called 起き上がり.
Huh. If you put 起き上がり into google image search you will see this:

…and this:

While these images in-and-of-themselves probably say enough, we’ve gone ahead and chucked “起き上がり” into a translating app and been told that it loosely translates to “self-righting doll.”
What does this mean in terms of Mukqs’ new album called 起き上がり? Well, let’s see: it’s a collection of improvised electronic experiments which sit atop beds of broken beat sketches and smooth techno that will promise to discombobulate and then make that discombobulation feel normal…like a self-righting doll perhaps?
See if the analogy works with the lead single “Al Saiduq,” streaming down below.
起き上がり will be released January 28 via Doom Trip Records. If you’re feeling self-righteous, pre-order it here.
起き上がり tracklisting:
01. Al Saiduq
02. ゾッド
03. Marble Gallery
04. Ronaldo Kuriki
05. ヘヘリット
06. Redfield
More about: Mukqs