Summertime. Seasonal beers, scanty clothing, mosquito bites. Summer is also the season that brings all those things together in one place — you know what I mean. It’s festival time. None of that medieval fest stuff your parents used to drag you too, either — no turkey legs and corsets at the festivals we’re interested in, just bands, alcohol, and sunburns. Now, you may think lineup announcements are old hat now; after all, there’s no shortage of three-day concerts in such-and-such park, green wristbands for $90, yellow for $130. If you’re in the Pacific Northwest, though, you may want to pay attention: MusicfestNW has finalized its lineup for September 7-11 in Portland, Oregon, and there’s nothing old hat about it.
Okay, some of the bands are sort of old — which only makes the lineup all the more important to catch. There’s Archers of Loaf, Olivia Tremor Control, Butthole Surfers, and Sebadoh (90s anyone?), but also Cass McCombs, Dirty Beaches, Ty Segall, and plenty others if you’re one of those ageist types that only listen to music since 2009. For all days, tout compris, it’s $115, or $70 for one of three ‘headliner’ outside shows in Pioneer Courthouse Square (with your choice of Band of Horses, Explosions in the Sky, or Iron & Wine), plus all club shows. (There are also more options for individual ticketing here.) Tickets go on sale June 3; now MFNW just has to work on a better name for year 12!
Full lineup (in alphabetical order):
A Storm of Light, Akimbo, Alela Diane, Anais Mitchell, And And And, The Angry Orts, The Antlers, Archers, Archers of Loaf, Avi Buffalo, Band of Horses, Bare Wires, Beat Connection, Big Freedia, Black Prairie, Blind Pilot, Blitzen Trapper, Blouse, Boat, Bobby Bare Jr., Butthole Surfers, Caleb Klauder, Cass McCombs, Celilo, Centro-Matic, Charles Bradley, Climber, Crooked Fingers, Crypts, Dam-Funk & Master Blaster, Dangerous Boys Club, Death Songs, Dennis Coffey, Diesto, The Dimes, Dirty Beaches, Dirty Mittens, DJ Anjali, Dolorean, E*Rock, E3, Elitist, EMA, Emily Wells, Eternal Tapestry, Explosions in the Sky, Fernando, The Gaslamp Killer, GIVERS, Glass Candy, The Globes, GRAIL, Hammerhead, Handsome Furs, Heavy Cream, Holcombe Waler, The Hood Internet, The Horrors, Horse Feathers, The Incredible Kid, Iron & Wine, Jared Mees & the Grown Children, Jeffrey Jerusalem, Joe Pug, The Joy Formidable, Kelly Blair Bauman, The Kills, Kylesa, The Ladybug Transistor, Lifesavas, Little Dragon, Macklemore & Ryan Lewis, Mad Rad, Marius Libman, The Minders, The Miracles Club, Mnemonic Sounds, Monarques, The Moondoggies, Morning Teleportation, Natasha Kmeto, The Needful Longings, Nether Regions, Neurosis, Old Light, Olivia Tremor Control, Operative, Phantogram, Pierced Arrows, Pig Destroyer, Portland Cello Project, PS I Love You, Purple & Green, Quiet Life, Rabbits, Rebecca Gates, Reporter, Rhett Miller, Richmond Fontaine, RTX, Sean Flinn & the Royal We, Sebadoh, Shabazz Palaces, Sharon Van Etten, Sleepy Sun, Soft Kill, The Soft Moon, Talkdemonic, Ted Leo, Tennis, Thee Oh Sees, The Thermals, Thornes, Thousands, Transient, Twin Sister, TxE, Ty Segall, Typhoon, UME, Unknown Mortal Orchestra, The Vaccines, Violet Isle, Viva Voce, WEINLAND, White Hills, Wild Ones, The Wizard Rifle, Witch Mountain, Y La Bamba, YACHT, YOB, You Am I, Zuzuka Poderosa.