Nate Wooley starts quarterly online music journal — for the people!

Nate Wooley starts quarterly online music journal — for the people!

Free-jazz trumpeter and improvisational artist Nate Wooley has announced the premiere of his quarterly online music journal, Sound American, operating through the Database of Recorded American Music. The full Sound American site will launch Monday and aims to provide a platform for a more-casual and less “difficult” discussion of experimental music. Wooley explains the goal as “balancing out the academicism of [DRAM] and fostering a newer, younger audience.”

This is definitely exciting news for fans of Wooley and experimental music alike, especially for those of us who wish experimental genres beginning with the prefix “free” weren’t so confined — as the Sound American site puts it — “by a group of depraved, anti-socials that enjoy defining their superiority to the unwashed masses by adding layers of complexity, abstraction and obfuscation to their hobby worlds, thus sucking all the joy out of everything they touch.” Damn, that quote just made me pump my fist so hard that I dislocated my shoulder.

Presently, there is a “soft launch” of the site that can be viewed here for now. Also, in other related news, Nate Wooley has a new split CD with Peter Evans, entitled Instrumentals Vol. 1 that can be mail-ordered here.

• Sound American:
• Nate Wooley:
• Database of Recorded American Music:

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