Alrighty, lemme try to get this straight. 1983’s Trans was Neil Young’s vocoder heavy, faux-Luddite electro-flop with a cover that implied the future’s cars would be pancake-thin DeLoreans piloted by grid-lined human holograms. Neil’s new record, on the other hand, is a concept album about electric-cars. Oooookay, so while Trans is an electric car album, Fork in the Road is an electric-car album. Ah! Now I get it! Damn, I was kinda hoping that Neil had sank his ass back into his Kraftwerk pants and was gonna bring the synthesizer out of mothballs. Oh well! I hear from Rick Wakeman that synthesizers tend to get all wonky after you leave them covered in mothballs for 26 years anyway.
Neil’s new record goes hand-in-hand with his electric-car creation experiment, LincVolt. In collaboration with so-called “motorhead messiah” Jonathan Goodwin, Neil Young plans to inspire a whole goddamn generation “by creating a clean automobile propulsion technology that serves the needs of the 21st Century and delivers performance that is a reflection of the driver's spirit.” Oh hell yes, people: first he’s gonna inspire your sorry ass with song when Fork in the Road drops April 7, then he’s gonna launch some dynadope technological innovation all up your rump and smack you straight in the cranium with some weapons-grade inspiration. Get ready for change, America!
Oh yeah, and get ready Canada, too, because your favorite son/green-minded gearhead is gonna do a wee bit of touring come April. He’s technically still touring in support of Chrome Dreams II, but apparently he’s been playing the hell out of Fork in the Road stuff live too, so who knows. You may get a mixture of both records or you may just have to watch Neil and this Jon Goodwin character work on a car for two hours. Either way, Neil Young’s gonna be there, and that ain’t never been a bad thing.
Fork in the Road tracklist:
1. When Worlds Collide
2. Fuel Line
3. Just Singing A Song
4. Johnny Magic
5. Cough Up The Bucks
6. Get Behind The Wheel
7. Off The Road
8. Hit The Road
9. Light A Candle
10. Fork In The Road
04.06.08 - St John’s, NF - Mile One Centre
04.10.08 - Halifax, NS - Metro Centre
04.11.08 - Saint John, NB - Harbour Station
04.13.08 - Kingston, ON - K-Rock Centre
04.15.08 - London, ON - John Labatt Centre
04.17.08 - Sault Ste Marie, ON - Essar Centre
04.20.08 - Saskatoon, SK - Credit Union Centre
04.22.08 - Kelowna, BC - Prospera Place
04.23.08 - Edmonton, AB - Rexall Place
04.25.08 - Lethbridge, AB - Enmax Centre