Let me ask you a few questions.
1. Do you like noise/experimental/electronic music? Of course you do. Go to #2.
2. Do you live in Chicago? If yes, go to #3. If no, go to #4.
3. Do you have $70 for a weekend pass to the Neon Marshmallow Festival in June, featuring Bill Orcutt, Lucky Dragons, Oneohtrix Point Never, and Dylan Ettinger? If no, go to #4. If yes, go to #4 anyway.
4. Now that we’ve established the fact that you would go to Chicago’s Neon Marshmallow Festival if you could, would you like to buy a fundraiser tape to support the festival that you can/can’t afford, will/will not attend? Yes? Okay, go to #5.
5. The Neon Marshmallow Festival has just offered a special cassette with unreleased tracks from artists playing the festival. For six bucks, you can support live music and get a professional-quality tape of some incredible performers (or for $25, you can buy tickets to individual nights if you’re in or near Chicagoland — highly recommended).
Here’s the contents of the tape:
Beau Wanzer, “Rhythm Track #46”
C V L T S, “White Cluster”
Dylan Ettinger, “Being Boiled”
Leslie Keffer, “Luna Loblolly”
Lucky Dragons, “Up and Down
Mike Shiflet, “They Sold Us Everything And We Begged Them For More”
Outer Space, “Draw a Door and Knock Twice (‘86 mix edit)”
Pulse Emitter, “Pool”
Rene Hell, “Automated Drowning Tank”
Robert Aiki Aubrey Lowe (Lichens), “Bulles”
The Rita, “Women Killed in the Sea”
Sick Llama, “Leave Earth”
Sickness, “The Human Condition”
Spiral Joy Band, “Seven Horses”
Telecult Powers, “A Tale From the New Crow Hill Gnostic Lodge”
Tiger Hatchery, “Blue Aiwass”
White Rainbow, “TDK SUPA HIGH”
Zac Davis, “Live 8/7/08”
What are you waiting for, CDs to come back in style? Oh, and here’s the updated lineup for each day of the fest:
Friday, June 10:
Lucky Dragons
White Rainbow
Rene Hell
James Plotkin
Michael Zerang | Michael Colligan | Jim Baker Trio
Spiral Joy Band
film: Experimental 1/2 Hour
Saturday, June 11:
Oneohtrix Point Never
Bill Orcutt
Outer Space
Sword Heaven
Dylan Ettinger
Leslie Keffer
film: Selected animated works of Alice Cohen
Sunday, June 12:
Morton Subotnick
The Rita
Pulse Emitter
Telecult Powers
Mike Shiflet
Sick Llama
Beau Wanzer
Tiger Hatchery
film: Selected works of Amy Ruhl
• Neon Marshmallow Festival: http://www.neonmarshmallowfest.com