The holidays are fast approaching. Is that magic in the air or just a New Order outtakes compilation? Hmm, let’s see. Is there a shroud of mystery swirling around this thing? Yes. Check. Is there a Peter Hook quote in the article? There will be, so yes. Check. Is there an intriguing note about a New Order reunion (sans Hook) tucked away toward the end of the story? Yes! Check! So, it’s both. Magic + New Order = Lost Sirens. That’s the name of the eight-track outtakes comp coming out on a veeeeeery mysterious as-yet-undisclosed date in December via Rhino Records.
So what kind of outtakes are we talking? I see you asking that. Are we talking outtakes from New Order’s little known Ace of Base covers session at Pickle Park in beautiful Fridley, MN? Nah, these are outtakes from when the band recorded 2005’s Waiting for the Sirens’ Call, and none of them — with the exception of “Hellbent,” which made its way onto Total, the New Order/Joy Division career spanning collection earlier this year — have been released before. Lost Sirens hasn’t been officially announced by the band yet, but our friends in Japan can order it from their country’s versions of Amazon and HMV. It’s also available from the fine Finns at RecordShopPx come December 14.
Quick! Somebody get a Peter Hook quote! Hook told Slicing Up Eyeballs, “It would be nice, from my point of view, to get rid of those tracks in the nicest possible way that would at last draw the line under the New Order split-up in 2006. It hasn’t felt clean in any way, to be honest. So I’m hoping the release of the last remaining material will make it a little cleaner.” We hope so, too, Peter Hook. We really do.
As hinted none-too-obliquely-at above, New Order will continued to soldier on, Hook or no Hook. The band is back to playing shows, with two gigs under their collective belts last month, and they plan to play London and South America in December.
Lost Sirens tracklisting:
01. Stay with You
02. Sugarcane
03. Recoil
04. Californian Grass (Doomy)
05. Hellbent
06. Shake It Up
07. I’ve Got a Feeling
08. I Told You So
• New Order: http://www.neworderonline.com
• Rhino: http://www.rhino.com