Ladies and gentlemen, I want to introduce to you Nick Klein, techno’s hottest bachelor of 2015. In addition to creating some of the dirtiest techno around today, Nick’s also a dashing country music aficionado and a
record store/label owner with a predilection for taking his clothes off. Sure, Nick’s had a few flings with some cassette labels, but given that he just released his vinyl debut with Berlin’s Unknown Precept, he might be ready to settle down.
Titled Failed Devotee, his album’s a five song 12-inch of dark, industrial-tinged techno that justly makes me want to enlist in the war on t-shirts. And since Klein recorded the album live using a variety of equipment with absolutely terrible user interfaces, putting up with your emotional baggage should comparably be a walk in the park for him.
With a beautiful sell like that, do you think you’re the wo/man for Nick? Are your best friends named Chris and Cosey? When you hit the dance floor, do you actually physically assault it? Are you open to tinnitus? His contact information is in the liner notes.
Failed Devotee tracklisting:
01. Anxiety Plae
02. Mobility Effort
03. Charity
04. Pain P.M.
05. Collector
• Nick Klein: http://www.soundcloud.com/nick-klein
• Unknown Precept: http://www.unknownprecept.com
More about: Nick Klein