According to Wikipedia, here are some famous births for the date of March 6:
• 1340 - John of Gaunt, the first Duke of Lancaster
• 1787 - Joseph von Franuhofer, German physicist
• 1906 - Lou Costello, American actor and comedian
• 1926 - Alan Greenspan, American economist
• 1936 - Choummaly Sayasone, president of Laos
• 1959 - Tom Arnold, American actor and comedian
• 1992 - Momoko Tsugunaga, Japanese singer
• 2012 - One Second of Love, Nite Jewel album coming out through Secretly Canadian
Wikipedia doesn’t lie, people. Nite Jewel, the synth-pop project of Ramona Gonzalez, are definitely releasing an album on that very date. One Second of Love will be Nite Jewel’s first album since 2008 debut Good Evening, which probably came out on a day that some babies were born. The record’s title track can be heard right over here on SoundCloud.
RIP to Ivan the Young, the former ruler of Tyver who died on March 6, 1490.
One Second of Love tracklist:
01. This Story
02. One Second of Love
03. She’s Always Watching You
04. Mind & Eyes
05. In The Dark
06. Memory, Man
07. Unearthly Delights
08. No I Don’t
09. Autograph
10. Clive
• Nite Jewel: http://www.nitejewel.com
• Secretly Canadian: http://www.secretlycanadian.com