Are you out of high school? Will you be soon? Unemployed or under-employed? Are you looking for a job that will offer you a real future, room to grow, world-travel, paid-vacations, early retirement, and more???
Then you should consider a career in the fast-paced (literally) world of booze-fueled, Bush-hating Punk-Rawk! With Punk Rawk, you'll have a career that you can really live with. But don't take my word for it... just listen to this totally unrehearsed testimonial from one of our most successful (i.e., most booze-fueled), middle-aged clients:
Yeah... ummm, we started NOFX on a whim back in 1983 after seeing a late-night infomercial for Punk Rawk. We thought, "what the hey?" you know? And here we are 25 years later, all past the age of 40, still touring the world with that same drumbeat in every song. No one has ever caught on! As a matter of fact, we just wrapped up a tour of Germany, Luxembourg, and Canada where we doubled our profit margins by turning the whole tour into a TV series for the Fuse Network, and now we're heading back to the U.S. for another round of shows in support of our most-recent live album (Yes, we've done more than one! That's how great our careers have been!), They've Actually Gotten Worse Live, currently out via our own label, Fat Wreck Chords! Life is unbelievable, and we're hammered all the time. And we owe it all to 25 years in the Punk-Rawk business. Oh wait, excuse me, my beer bong is ready for me... -- Fat Mike, NOFX
Well, there you have it, young job-seekers. Don't wait another second! Pick up the phone and start your own 25+ year career in the fabulous field of Punk Rawk today!
Here's that number one more time: