In a show of solidarity for the Occupy Wall Street movement, a sizable number of musicians have created Occupy Musicians. The likes of Lou Reed, Ian MacKaye and Guy Picciotto, Jello Biafra, tUnE-yArDs’ Merrill Garbus, Tom Morello, Amanda Palmer, Talib Kweli, and Saul Williams have voiced their support for the Occupy protests happening around the world, not to mention more TMT-leaning folks like Dan Deacon, Drew Daniel, Evan Parker, Jamie Stewart, John Zorn, DJ /rupture, Matana Roberts, Mirah, Sharon Van Etten, Slim Moon, and Yuka Honda. Joining the ranks of Occupy Film Makers and Occupy Writers, the site will serve as a resource for live Occupy performances and embedded media of musical happenings, as well as providing journalists the opportunity to interview some of the musicians.
One name missing from the list is Jay-Z, who made headlines for his controversial Rocawear t-shirts reading “Occupy All Streets” that failed to financially support the #OWS movement.
Check out the Occupy Musicians website to view the still-growing full list of those who are openly supporting the 99%.
• Occupy Musicians: http://www.occupymusicians.com