Odd Nosdam (David Madson to his family and only the closest friends) must have hit a figurative goldmine during spring cleaning, because the producer/Anticon co-founder/all around “music person” is about to drop a 40-track archival album featuring only the highest quality musical knick-knacks from the early years of his illustrious career. Hey, he should change his name to “Odds & Ends Nosdam”!
The collection will span the years 2000–2004; and as such, it’s titled Lost Wigs of Ohio, after his first Anticon solo album, No More Wig For Ohio. The album will also take music from his cLOUDDEAD and Reaching Quiet eras. Here’s Nosdam himself with all the expository details:
These lost joints were put together with an MPC2000 + found records + the occasional Casio keyboard + VHS tapes. Produced 2000-2004 @ Mom’s, Cincinnati + 11th Ave, Oakland. Compiled, restored, reanimated 2012-2018 @ Burnco, Berkeley.
FINALLY: someone’s bridging the disparate worlds of arithmetic, geography, and music PR.
But hey, when and where can you get a hand on these lost wigs? Well, the LP’s out June 1 on Nosdam’s own label, Burnco Recs, and it’s patiently awaiting your pre-order here. If you have the time and/or inclination, you can also read all 40 track titles down below, helpfully ordered by track number. That’s right; don’t say I never did anything for you!

Lost Wigs of Ohio tracklisting:
01. Uhuh
02. Earner
03. Direct
04. Swing
05. Sammy OG
06. Magnus OG
07. Hollow
08. Pants OG
09. Keep It Raw
10. Hollow OG 2
11. Nopes
12. 28 Left
13. Merica OG
14. Facer
15. Wigsmash OG
16. Crunchy
17. Labs
18. Cleener
19. Flowers
20. Paige
21. Hollow OG 1
22. Dirt Fives
23. Werdo
24. Stressor
25. Ripp
26. Pomp
27. Burp
28. Vapes
29. Noiser
30. Stomps
31. Olders
32. Dennies
33. Brucer
34. Pramo
35. Phazy
36. Yo Girl
37. Broke
38. Highest
39. Bnj
40. Lost
More about: Odd Nosdam