It’s been over two years since the sudden and (needless to say) tragic passing of Broadcast vocalist Trish Keenan, and at the time, there was plenty of public respect paid from fans, friends, and acquaintances alike, compelled as people were by the loss of delicacy epitomized, as well as one of the indie world’s foremost influences, to say nothing of the band as a whole.
Fortunately, a benefit of paying tribute to someone lies in the absence of an equivalent statute of limitations, which would otherwise bar people from expressing sympathy, poets from writing odes, musicians from creating tribute bands, and me from consuming an entire plate of meatloaf every Thursday night, after a certain amount of time has passed. Yes, I know the musician named after an entree is still very much alive, but it gives me an excuse to gorge on the weekly under a convincing guise of preliminary mourning. “Dude, you’re having meat loaf for dinner again?” “HAVE SOME RESPECT!” Regardless, unless the subject happens to be a criminal or a recognized terrible human being, tributes of whatever sort don’t seem to have any unwritten rules.
And with Keenan, by all accounts, being quite the opposite of a terrible human being, we more than welcome the announcement of T R I S H, a 25+ minute tribute release from producer and anticon. co-founder Odd Nosdam a.k.a. David Madson. Set for digital release on September 24 via Burnco (following a cassette release last month), T R I S H combines Nosdam’s distinct, sonically traversing, occasional hip-hop sound with, at least on the title track, samples of the lady herself. Liz Harris a.k.a. Grouper and the Oakland-based Bre’r also make appearances, though more than anything, the Nosdam aesthetic would appear to be quite complementary. And complimentary. Listen below.
T R I S H tracklisting:
01. T a i k a i r
02. L o n j a e
03. L a d d e r s
04. O l y n n
05. E q u a l
06. T r i s h
• Odd Nosdam: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Odd-Nosdam/158249880937204
• Burnco: https://twitter.com/BurncoRecs
More about: Broadcast, Odd Nosdam