God’s honest truth: nothing properly augments our understanding of this abstract concept called “music” like COOL CLOTHES do. Right? I mean, granted, I THOUGHT I was certainly all about OG Maco before… but you know what? I wasn’t. I was lying to myself. I was only halfway all-about him, I think. Because I just didn’t know which jean shorts I was supposed to be wearing while listening. Until just now, anyway.
See, I just got word that Maco has teamed up with “renown NYC clothing brand” Rocksmith for the release of a brand new mixtape called OGG Everlasting, which features “frequent collaborators and producers under the OGG umbrella.” What’s an OGG umbrella? you ask? I don’t know, but I bet you Rocksmith will sell me one! THEN I’ll be able to listen and appreciate OG Maco not ONLY when it’s sunny out… but also IN THE FRIGGIN’ RAIN. Ahh, I sense an entire new dimension opening up in my life, readers. Are you with me?
Check out the lead track “Movies” from the mixtape down below, and then check out the whole thing down below that. And after you’re done doing that, do a little shopping with spokesmodel OG Maco and watch your appreciation of his music deepen! And then… just watch how his music and those clothes are suddenly worth a whole lot more of your attention and money! It’s a magical thing, readers. Glad my musical hero OG and I could help turn you onto it.
• OG Maco: https://soundcloud.com/og-maco
• Rocksmith: http://www.rocksmithnyc.com
• Motown: http://www.motownrecords.com
More about: OG Maco