If I could only be still-young and Swedish! Then perhaps I could run in the coolest of circles along with Oli XL. Releasing his first EP at the age of 19, it took only a few years before the Stockholm artist/DJ was making it onto compilations such as Mono No Aware from PAN and I Could Go Anywhere But Again I Go With You from Posh Isolation. Just last year his track from that last comp made it onto the Alley mix from our Favorite 50 Songs of 2019! (The Alley mix being obviously the coolest and best and most-well mixed of all our year-end mixes by far; obviously made by a true genius.)
Wowza! I’m a few years past 19, and all I’ve got to show for it is a gig at some piece of shit sterling and timely run-of-the-mill online music publication. What gives?!
Anyway: now Oli’s boosting his way over us millennials’ heads once again. He’s launched another label project called Bloom (this one to have a “wider scope” than his previously prodigious W - I), which is a sub-label of Year0001, the label famously christened by the similarly young-and-famous Yung Lean. Oh, and did I mention what will be bringing this new label out the gates? Why it’s a debut album from Oli XL titled Rogue Intruder, Soul Enhancer.
Rogue Intruder, Soul Enhancer delivers its first dish right now, down below. “Clumsy” is a bright new territory for the young producer, blending delicate rhythms with an androidian re-imagination of the vocal hook from Beck’s “Loser.” (Sorry, if you’re not from this generation you might just not “”get”” that reference ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
The new record arrives July 22. What’s that pops? You’d bought a house by the time you were 22? Pshhhhh, whatevs man. Call me back when you’ve launched your own super-cool Swedish sub-label, and we’ll chat.

Rogue Intruder, Soul Enhancer tracklisting:
01. Cygnostik
02. Liquid Love
03. dnL
04. Mimetic
05. Jet Generation
06. Flower Circuit
07. Hesitate ft. Ecco2k
08. Orchid Itch
09. Imposter
10. Clumsy
11. Sniper Baby
More about: Oli XL