Apparently, if you take all of the letters in Daniel Lopatin’s name, convert them to alpha-numeric digits — and then do likewise with Ishmael Butler’s — and then subtract the one from the other — and then take the square root of that number — and then divide all that by cosine — and THEN multiply the results by 0 — and, finally, add the Mayan civilization’s sacred “number of the cosmos” (420) and subtract out Nostradamus’ mystical “number of the beginner” (101)…you get…319!!!
Well, okay; it’s either that…or it’s just the name of the new duo recently formed by Lopatin and Butler for their contribution to Adult Swim’s un-the-fuck-stoppable 2017 singles series.
As the most trusted name in music reports, the pair (each of whom has otherwise been up to JACK and SHIT this year, I’m pretty sure?) have just contributed a track called “The Rapture,” which somehow manages to accommodate both Butler’s big bang-esque flare for exploding fantastic new universes into existence and Lopatin’s black hole-style compulsion to soullessly obliterate all light and matter right out of existence. (Hint: the results are “really cute!”)
Head over here for more info on Adult Swim’s 2017 singles program, and check out “The Rapture” down below. (And hmm…nope, can’t think of anything of potential divine/cosmic significance relating to that title, can you?)
More about: 319, Oneohthrix Point Never, Shabazz Palaces