Oneohtrix Point Never’s got the indie world by their balls, and he won’t hesitate in giving ‘em all nutty twisters if they start to downplay his next move. “Replica isn’t as easy a sell as Ford & Lopatin? Nevermind that, hold the hype ship steady.” “Rest easy, men, reports are coming in that the album has rhythmic stuff going on. We’re in the clear.” “Fuck, regroup! Just got word that the title track is using untreated piano… do we call his bluff or is now the time to break the emergency ‘invoke Gastr del Sol’ glass?”
And so the saga continues as Replica’s November 8 release date draws closer; who knows if either side will come out alive. All that’s certain for now is Mr. Lopatin following up his performance at Moogfest this Sunday with a number of European tourdates in November and December, according to FACT. We all wish him luck on his tour but also beg him not to introduce any sounds into his set that might be difficult for a music writer to instantly process and excrete.
11.20.11 - Madrid, Spain - Red Bull Music Academy
11.22.11 - Bristol, UK - Cube Cinema
11.23.11 - Leeds, UK - Brudenell Social Club
11.24.11 - London, UK - St. Giles Church #
11.25.11 - Moscow, Russia - Aktoviy Zal
11.26.11 - St. Petersburg, Russia - Electro-Mechanica Festival
11.27.11 - Berlin, Germany - Festsaal Kreuzberg
11.28.11 - Copenhagen, Denmark - Loppen
11.30.11 - Milan, Italy - Bitte Club
12.01.11 - Lisbon, Portugal - ZDB
12.02.11 - Guimarães, Portugal - CCVF
12.03.11 - Madeira Island, Portugal - Madeiradig Festival
# Helm, Babe Rainbow
Meanwhile, Boiler Room posted “Nassau” from Replica. Check it out here:
• Oneohtrix Point Never: http://pointnever.com
• Software: http://softwarelabel.net