Oneohtrix Point Never — a.k.a. Daniel Lopatin, a.k.a. Chuck Person, a.k.a. THE ONE AND ONLY — has announced a new album, titled Age Of. The release is out June 1 on Warp Records. According to the press release: “It’s Daniel Lopatin’s most cohesive and richly composed work to date, weaving a tapestry of disparate musical histories — early music, country and folk balladry, melodic pop, computer music and much, much more — that demonstrate both the complexity and range of the artist’s repertoire.”
Along with the album announcement comes news of a third show for his audiovisual experience, MYRIAD. The new date — May 24 at the Red Bull Music Festival at New York’s Armory — was added because the first two shows sold out in just 72 hours. And because Oneohtrix Point Never is THE ONE AND ONLY.
And, it turns out, the new music from the MYRIAD trailer we posted last month features the title track and opener of Age Of. Have a listen again below, and peep the cover art and tracklist for Age Of while you’re at it. Pre-order info is here.

Age Of tracklist:
01. Age Of
02. Babylon
03. Manifold
04. The Station
05. Toys 2
06. Black Snow
07. myriad.industries
08. Warning
09. We’ll Take It
10. Same
11. RayCats
12. Still Stuff That Doesn’t Happen
13. Last Known Image of a Song
More about: Oneohtrix Point Never