oOoOO SNAP! Chris Dexter, the witchy San Francisco-based producer behind the many-voweled moniker is taking a breather from his longstanding relationship with Tri Angle Records to release his first-ever album on his own new label, the appropriately difficult to spell/know-how-to pronounce Nihjgt Feelings. Entitled Without Your Love, the release will be Dexter’s full-length debut, due out June 24 and featuring lead track “Stay Here (ft. ML),” which can be heard below:
This spring, oOoOO will be venturing across these United States of ours to rep said album. Starting in May, Dexter sets out from sunny California to embark on a series of mysteeeeeerious tourdates. So mysterious that no one has even said exactly WHERE he is playing in these cities! But there’s a rough itinerary for ya below, if’n ya so desire it, and as always, watch this space for further updates. If anyone tells you to call a phone number and get a location from a hotline on the night of the show, don’t listen. This oOoOO tour isn’t a rave (maybe), and it’s not 1997 (definitely).
05.04.13 - San Francisco, CA - TBD
05.13.13 - San Diego, CA - TBD
05.14.13 - Phoenix, AZ - TBD
05.16.13 - Austin, TX - TBD
05.21.13 - Richmond, VA - TBD
05.22.13 - Washington, DC - TBD
05.23.13 - Brooklyn, NY - TBD
05.24.13 - Boston, MA - TBD
05.28.13 - Pittsburgh, PA - TBD
06.01.13 - Chicago, IL - TBD
06.04.13 - Hollywood, CA - TBD
06.05.13 - Seattle, WA - TBD
06.06.13 - Vancouver, BC - TBD
06.07.13 - Portland, OR - TBD
06.08.13 - Calgary, AB - TBD
• oOoOO: https://www.facebook.com/oOoOOsounds
• Nihjgt Feelings: https://www.facebook.com/NihjgtFeelings
More about: oOoOO