Overcomplicated Logistics Deter Even the Most Determined Nada Surf Fans from Deciding to Attend a Show Nearest Them

I know, I'm one of them. What started as a simple discovery of the latest Nada Surf tour ended with intense analysis of the group's past material and speculation of the probability of material soon to be released. Equations came into play with factors such as: talent of Nada Surf's three members, individually; the sum of that talent as a cohesive effort as the group Nada Surf; the probability of that total cohesive talent being expressed as a masterpiece that may or may not be the upcoming release; and material that said talented individuals will tour in support of after the late October/early November East Coast shows are played.

Now, when it comes to weighing amazing past material blindly against the possibility of ass-kicking material yet to come (but not entirely blind, as you can preview a track off the forthcoming album here), well I don't take those kind of risks. I can't take that gamble. But maybe you are a risk taker. Maybe you love danger. Maybe you're willing to predict that the fifth studio album by Nada Surf is going to blow your mind, and you want to buy that ticket and take that ride. Well please, do so, and allow me provide you with some guiding light. Imagine this, a touch-tone menu, and my voice, the soothing calm of a matter-of-fact and omniscient, rock 'n' roll directory operator.

Commence imaginative activity:

- If you loved the 2005 release The Weight Is a Gift and would like to see Nada Surf tour predominately with this material from now to November 2 -- or, if you're a shallow power-pop fan who gets turned on at the possibility of hearing "Popular" played live, press 1.

- If you're stoked for the upcoming release of Lucky and would like to see Nada Surf tour predominately in support of this material in the opening months of 2008, press 2.

- If you KNOW Lucky is going to kick ass and you're hella stoked for the early 2008 tour, press 3.

- If you don't know shit about the Lucky release, press 4.

- If you choose to abstain from decision making at this time, press 5.


#1- Tourdates for the Fall of 2007 are as follows, with tickets on sale now:

#5- Huh uh, I don't think so. I know I listed this as an option, but it's not. You pick from 1-3 and you pick now.

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