Short of offering a nauseating definition of the culinary “pan” straight out of Webster’s (which would be equally irrelevant), it’s worth considering the prefix as it relates to the label’s diversified catalog. In a recent feature hosted by an exciting new website, PAN founder Bill Kouligas offered some insight into the context by which music earns his formal support: “Well, as you know, there are so many things going on with PAN. There is always a starting point, but I like all of this music so much, and the reason it all fits in my head is because I can find a common ground with it.” An artistic depiction, thus, might have a two-button remote control wired to Kouligas’s skull, and only artists with the proper “stuff” will be authorized to press the OPEN button and crawl inside. I’m imagining an opening mechanism similar to that of Darth Vader’s meditation chamber.
The connection, though personally bordering on indescribable, exists, and it perpetuates through the final two releases of the year for the label, both of which are due out December 15: Financial Glam from fellow (in relation to Kouligas) Greek and long-time acquaintance Jar Moff, who released the wonderfully intricate Commercial Mouth earlier this year (followed by a Guest Mix on that new website); and Dance Classics Vol. III from NHK’Koyxen a.k.a. Kouhei Matsunaga, the earlier installments of which certainly allude to a paradox: can a tune be a “classic” if the year most fitting to its playback is 2047?
Both releases were mastered and cut by Rashad Becker (who himself had a release on PAN back in July) at Dubplates & Mastering, and both records feature artwork from Kouligas and Kathryn Politis, the latter of whom has contributed to PAN’s visual trademark since its inception. Obviously, tab-keeping is recommended for the foreseeable future.
Jar Moff — Financial Glam tracklisting:
01. Financial Glam
02. Kresentosiagona
NHK’Koyxen — Dance Classics Vol. III tracklisting:
01. 629
02. 501
03. 341
04. 768
05. 675
06. 811
07. 766
08. 762
• Jar Moff: http://jarmoff.tumblr.com
• NHK’Koyxen: http://koyxen.blogspot.com
• PAN: http://www.pan-act.com
More about: Jar Moff, NHK'Koyxen