If you’ve ever wondered, “How do I find a quality multimedia UFOlogy box subscription service that’s right for me?” then Matthew J. Sage — owner/operator of Chicago label Patient Sounds — has news to make your hair stand on end, Giorgio-style.
Released by label subsidiary, Patient Presses, THE DUPONT PARCELS is a serialized novel with corresponding materials to be delivered in ten monthly installments. The story concerns a certain Jacques Dupont, who was “tasked by an unspoken authority to collect interviews and artifacts associated with a recurring pattern of unidentified lights in the sky over West America.”
Each monthly mailbox visitation contains interview transcripts, miscellaneous ephemera, and downloadable sound files; all the information necessary to puzzle out Dupont’s journey through the covert world of UFO encounter. Right to your door. And below, from Sage’s SoundCloud, you can check out a couple of teasers: the “(prebroadcast alert)” and “Jacques’ Theme.”
Sage writes, “If you like cowboys, aliens, psychedelics, hobos, tantric sex gurus, the dust bowl, time travel, and other such things, you may be interested.”
Well, if that doesn’t beam you over to Patient Sounds to sign up, then Scully, I don’t know what will.
More about: M. Sage, Matthew Sage, Patient Sounds