In this crazy year to come, we can probably use as many examples of how to mobilize the power of community toward good as we can get. Enter Decon/Recon #2, the next entry in storied DJ/producer/inventor Paula Temple’s series dedicated to hierarchy-toppling collaboration across electronic music disciplines.
The D/R concept is to have four artists throw in on a record, using each other’s sounds as source material; each artist creates a track from the group’s soundbank, and the record is credited to the quartet as a whole. The result is a set that feels tied together by a cohesive energy without being dominated by one voice — and it’s real, real good, too.
The squad assembled for record #2 is Gunver Ryberg, Aïsha Devi, Rrose and Temple herself, a dream team if there ever was. Today, we are excited to premiere the record’s opening track, simply known as “DR2-1.” Dive in and place your ego in the trash.
Decon/Recon #2 will be available January 27 from Noise Manifesto.
More about: Aïsha Devi, Gunver Ryberg, Paula Temple, Rrose