Now that Charli’s Charli is almost out, could it be time for PC Music to “PC Music” its way back to hyper-prolificacy??
At the very least, it’s excellent timing that A. G. Cook, head chef at PC Music and Creative Director for Charli XCX, has just premiered a new song, his first solo track since 2016’s “Superstar.” It’s titled “Lifeline,” and like “Superstar,” A. G. Cook takes lead vocals, with a lil help from Caroline Polachek of Chairlift. Take it away, Cook:
The melody at the core of “Lifeline” is this repetitive, insistent and slightly selfish earworm that I’ve been living with for too long now. In the end, the easiest way to deal with it was to leave it in a warm petri dish and let it do its own thing. A few years later I found myself with this young, unstable song, and somehow nurtured it to become a power ballad. The track has a life of its own, but like most children and laboratory experiments, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.
“Lifeline” is apparently just the first in a slew of new PC Music material, so be prepared to have your lives changed, one earworm at a time. “Lifeline” can be downloaded here, streamed below, and felt here:
More about: A. G. Cook, Chairlift