Aw, what’s wrong? You miss The Walkmen? Sure, they’ve only been gone for less than a year, but it’s those first days that hurt the most. Worry not, crying idiot, remnants of The Walkmen are everywhere. Earlier this month, two members of the band released their solo debuts: frontman Hamilton Leithauser with Black Hours and (more pertinently to this story) bassist Peter Matthew Bauer with Liberation (on Memphis Industries). Everywhere we go, The Walkmen are there, too! Never will we be without The Walkmen.
In the continued pursuit of making sure pieces of The Walkmen are in all places, Bauer is going on tour this coming month. He’ll be playing songs from the aforementioned Liberation, as well as telling audiences that “The Walkmen are gone but shall be with you always.” It’s a comforting, terrifying thought. On that very tour, Bauer will meet up with his pals Real Estate in Chicago. Real Estate, for the record, are only in a limited amount of places and are, thus, not everywhere.
Peter Matthew Bauer dates:
07.08.14 - Los Angeles, CA - The Satellite
07.09.14 - San Francisco, CA - Bottom of the Hill
07.11.14 - Seattle, WA - Barboza
07.12.14 - Portland, OR - Bunk Bar
07.13.14 - Missoula, MT - The Palace
07.15.14 - Minneapolis, MN - Icehouse
07.16.14 - Madison, WI - The Frequency
07.17.14 - Columbus, OH - The A&R Music Bar
07.18.14 - St. Louis, MO - The Firebird
07.19.14 - Chicago, IL - Lincoln Hall %
07.20.14 - Louisville, KT - Tim Faulkner Gallery
07.21.14 - Nashville, TN - High Watt
07.23.14 - New Orleans, LA - Gasa Gasa
07.24.14 - Dallas, TX - The Loft
07.25.14 - Houston, TX - Walters Downtown
07.26.14 - Austin, TX - Holy Mountain
% Real Estate
• Peter Matthew Bauer: https://www.facebook.com/petermatthewbauer
• Memphis Industries: http://www.memphis-industries.com
More about: Peter Matthew Bauer, The Walkmen