I remember the first time I saw Pharmakon in concert. She was opening for another act, and the site happened to be one of those rare venues that double as a restaurant of relatively fancy fare. Supposedly the venue caters to atypical acts, but I sensed the impending situational paradox of a person bruising their vocal chords while diners/audience members ordered their second serving of pot stickers and Asian fusion skewers.
Depending on your level of initiation, it’s not an obviously easy thing to focus on your food while you have Margaret Chardiet screaming against a harsh noise backdrop and shattering the glass that previously held your locally-brewed IPA. Is this what she meant with Devour (one of our favorite releases of the third quarter)? Was that album a commentary on an implied musical capacity to interrupt our digestive habits?
If it is, it’s secondary to the stated theme of self-destruction as a reaction to constantly being on defense. Feel free to confirm/deny the other theory if you check out Pharmakon at any of her upcoming European dates. She just wrapped up her North American tour, and boy are her arms covered in teeth marks!
04.07.20 - Bologna, Italy - Freakout
04.08.20 - Roma, Italy - Monk
04.09.20 - Milan, Italy - Ohibo
04.10.20 - Ljubljana, Slovenia - Metelkova City
04.12.20 - Vienna, Austria - Chelsea
04.13.20 - Budapest, Hungary - Durer Kert
04.17.20 - Prague, Czech Republic - Kastan
04.18.20 - Berlin, Germany - Urban Spree
04.19.20 - Copenhagen, Denmark - Loppen
04.20.20 - Stockholm, Sweden - Hus 7
04.21.20 - Oslo, Norway - Blaa
04.24.20 - Amsterdam Netherlands - s105
04.25.20 - Brussels, Belgium - Ancienne Belgique
04.26.20 - Paris, France - Le Petit Bain
04.28.20 - London, UK - Studio 9294
04.29.20 - Brighton, UK - GDS
04.30.20 - Manchester, UK - White Hotel
05.01.20 - Bristol, UK - Exchange
05.02.20 - Nottingham, UK - Angel
05.08.20 - Athens, Greece - Temple
05.09.20 - Moscow, Russia - Mutabor
More about: Pharmakon