hEYH guys, looking 4r asosmething FUHN to dWEW this SOME...ERrrrr.....??? mAYb ITS TIME F4 a little fat owrim of AIROR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1 MITE EVEN CALL ITT fatrom of SUMER!!!!!~!
SOO this worm, RYTE? tHEY PKLAY soemi sweet jamz n;' whistles and shtutfffffffff!?? YeAH they dou...shore dou. sometimz tHEY"re pllayin'''' fast n' the GURLZ' like """"""rrrrrrrrrrEDMELTZING BOX (!!!!!!! !!!! !!!!!)""""""""""" AND THN other times it's like """(zzzz zzzBzzzz zzztfzzz zzzzz()zzz zz3zz zzzjazzzzzz)""""" U just NEIVER no WIV THEN~ WORMS......?? ;-)
srrrrrrrrry to maykte DIS so short btu I GOT AGO BONK A DEWD, 8-) MAY THE $RCE BE WIVE EWWWW!!